<!-- Call to Action -->
<div class="cta theme_dark_blue">
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            <div class="cta_inner">

                <figure class="cta_figure" aria-hidden="true">
                    <span class="lazy_image_wrapper cta_image_wrapper">
                        <img class="js-lazy js-lazyload cta_image" data-sizes="auto" src="//images.fastspot.com/new-college-of-florida/300x169/1" data-src="//images.fastspot.com/new-college-of-florida/740x416/1" data-srcset="//images.fastspot.com/new-college-of-florida/740x416/1 740w, //images.fastspot.com/new-college-of-florida/500x282/1 500w, //images.fastspot.com/new-college-of-florida/300x169/1 300w" alt="">
                        <img class="cta_image" src="https://images.fastspot.com/new-college-of-florida/300x169/1" srcset="https://images.fastspot.com/new-college-of-florida/300x169/1 300w, https://images.fastspot.com/new-college-of-florida/500x282/1 500w, https://images.fastspot.com/new-college-of-florida/740x416/1 740w" sizes="100vw" alt="">

                <div class="cta_content_wrapper">
                    <h2 class="cta_title">Commencement 2021</h2>
                    <span class="cta_description">Commencement 2021 will be held in person on Friday, May 21 at 10 a.m. at Ed Smith Stadium in Sarasota. Both graduates of the Class of 2021 and 2020 are invited to participate in the graduation ceremony.</span>
                    <a href="#" class="cta_link">
                        <span class="cta_link_inner">
                            <span class="cta_link_label">More about Commencement 2021</span>
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<div class="cta{% if theme %} theme_{{ theme }}{% endif %}">
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				{% if image %}
					<figure class="cta_figure" aria-hidden="true">
						{% include "@partial-image" with {
							class: "cta",
							alt: "",
							image: image,
							sources: [
						} %}
				{% endif %}

				<div class="cta_content_wrapper">
					<h2 class="cta_title">{{ title }}</h2>
					<span class="cta_description">{{ description }}</span>
					{% if link %}
						<a href="{{ link.url }}" class="cta_link">
							<span class="cta_link_inner">
								<span class="cta_link_label">{{ link.label }}</span>
					{% endif %}
<!-- END: Call to Action -->

No notes defined.